
HouseMD is an awesome diagnosing tool better than BTrace.

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HouseMD is a interactive command-line tool for dianosing Java process in runtime. It's inspiration came from BTrace, but more easier to use and more safer.


Test cases would show more specification details.

Getting started


Install from jenv

Caution: Windows are not supported yet.

How to use

> housemd -h

A help infomation shows up like:

Usage: housemd [OPTIONS] pid
    a runtime diagnosis tool of JVM.
    -h, --help
        show help infomation of this command.
    -p, --port=[INT]
        set console local socket server port number.
        default: 54321
        id of process to be diagnosing.

Suppost your target pid is 1234 (you can use jps or ps get it), and then input:

> ./housemd 1234

After seen prompt housemd>, input help then you get help infomation like this:

housemd> help

quit      terminate the process.
help      display this infomation.
trace     display or output infomation of method invocaton.
loaded    display loaded classes information.
env        display system env.
inspect    display fields of a class.

You can also input help loaded and get help infomation of loaded as blow:

housemd> help loaded
Usage: loaded [OPTIONS] name
    display loaded classes information.
    -h, --classloader-hierarchies
        display classloader hierarchies of loaded class.
        class name without package name.

More about commands

Click here to see the use cases.

Build from code

$ git clone housemd
$ cd housemd
$ sbt proguard

A runnable jar named housemd_x.x.x-x.x.x.min.jar should be generated blow target/scala-x.x.x/

Run it

$ java -Xbootclasspath/a:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar -jar housemd_x.x.x-x.x.x.min.jar [OPTIONS] <pid>

Caution: In Mac OSX, the -Xbootclasspath is no needed. You can created launch script as a shortcut.

Having fun!